By Friday, the Thanksgiving festivities are already a memory. The turkey’s been sliced up, other leftovers assembled into a fridge-crowding freestyle buffet as people clear away the clutter, settle in to debating yesterday’s big game, family drama and today’s best Black Friday deals.
In the midst of all the distractions and holiday madness, it’s easy to get caught up in regretting and ruminating on endless to-do lists and what we still haven’t tackled. But before I start, I wanted to give time, attention and column space to what matters—-the positive aspects in my life that I remain the most thankful for every single day, regardless of where the calendar falls.
First and foremost, I am grateful for life: my sound mind, my active limbs and the privilege each new day brings to start fresh and try, try, try again. It’s a privilege also to live in a country that, despite its issues and imperfections, is becoming a better place for people of different nationalities and races, mine included.
I am grateful for my family: the parents who created me, champion my efforts, and love me unconditionally. I am grateful for my siblings, close and distant; my elders who fill me in on priceless family history; and my ancestors, the men and women torn from the motherland who struggled with unimaginable odds and inequality, yet survived long enough to leave a legacy that contributes to the person I am today.
The work is incessant and at times infuriating, but I love carrying the titles “wife” and “mother”: it’s awe-inspiring to be responsible for three young lives, to feel their love and devotion and have a loyal, loving partner to share those moments and milestones with.
In this chaotic and crazy world, I cherish those human anchors known as ‘friends’—men and women who give me something to laugh at, knowledge to ponder, secrets to hold and comfort through my trials and ever-changing roles and responsibilities. From the ones I went to school with and have known for a quarter-century to others I’ve met along the way (my in-laws included), their generosity is a gift that I enjoy at all times and can never repay.
My endless curiosity is why I became a journalist in the first place, but during my journey, there were teachers, professors, mentors and bosses, past and present, who validated my uniqueness, pushed me past my comfort zones and enriched my abilities as a writer. For all of you, I’m immensely thankful.
For every actor, author, performer and TV personality that’s entrusted me with their story to share with the masses, including the handful that are now my friends, you inspire me and continue to enthrall the little Cleveland native who only dared to dream it was possible. Thanks for creating space for me in your hectic schedules and making sure I remained a fan (well, most of you anyway).
Last, but certainly not least, I am grateful for…you. Yes, you. For the readers who’ve offered feedback over the years—positive and negative— I appreciate the time and effort poured into every message. I don’t take anyone for granted. There are millions of other things you could be doing, yet you make me a part of your weekly routine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. All of you.
A new year is around the corner, and we are open to new possibilities but unaware of what good or bad 2014 might bring. However, when we’re able to sit down and take inventory about the blessings that we already have vs. what we lack, it can make the unknown less anxiety-inducing. For every bad day, there’s a new one just around the corner, giving us all another shot to make that change and get it right.
And for that gift of daily grace, I say ‘thanks.’

1 Comment
Excellent piece…as per usual!!
November 29, 2013 at 7:33 am