…..Experience is the most effective teacher, and with 16 years of a prior marriage, a divorce, three children, years of singles party hosting under her belt and yes, a second husband in the mix, Ms. Nash uses a Sincere Sister Mode to break down what she’s learned singleness, dating, finding eligible men, getting to exclusivity and how to act after exchanging “I do’s.”
With humor and honesty, Ms. Nash is bold, brash and even borderline TMI about a variety of topics, such as…
STARTING OVER- “…you see, you need to be whole before you give up the hole. I know that sounds raw, but…the decision to share your body with a man includes sharing your soul, so you have to be strategic about the ‘soul ties’ you create.”
WANTS VS. NEEDS- “Don’t mistake your preferences in men for your priorities: preferences are those things that you think really matter, but haven’t done you any good yet.”
SEX (WITH YOU) IS OVERRATED- “Do you honestly think that the average forty-year-old who has been having sex since he was fifteen is going to get with you and instantly decide that it’s the best he’s ever had and change his intentions? Nay, I say.” (click here to read the rest of the review at Knowshi.com)