Hello Friends,
As a critic and columnist, I’m all about freedom of expression and enjoy receiving feedback from my readers…..until it crosses the line.
How does that happen, you ask? Well, when a person takes a personal point of view, tries to flip it into ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ and insults me in the process…..Iaingonbeabdurit.
Like MC Lyte once said, “We’re not the two and I’m not the one,” all politeness goes out the door and I WILL put the verbal smackdown on your pretentious @$$, PERIOD.
For the record, before I slice up this simpleton, let me make my stance clear: when it comes to my body and my life, I don’t believe in abortion (which is why I availed myself of permanent birth control after Layla was born). HOWEVER, MY BELIEFS AREN’T FOR EVERYONE AND WHEN IT COMES TO OTHERS, I’M PRO-CHOICE. That’s how I vote, that’s how I ride. Point-blank, end of discussion, keep it moving.
But something made this chick go off the deep end and try to covert my beliefs into hers when it was neither the time or the place as she responded to my Rep. Akin column. The slick attempts at the insults are easy to spot, and when she figured out I wasn’t having it, she fled like Gov. pRick Perry from a debate podium. Only her name was changed to protect her lunacy, the emphasis, unless otherwise indicated, was done on her part….
Dear Ms. Jackson,
I agree that Mr. Akin made an incredibly misinformed statement, one which is very surprising, to say the very least, but he did apologize and admit he was wrong, which is a lot more than a lot, if not most politicians would admit. I’m not defending what he said, but I fail to see how you can justify murder. And like it or not, that’s what any abortion is. This is a person, a defenseless baby, we’re talking about. A fetus is not just a blob but a little person who can feel things, and according to the Bible is a person with a soul from conception. I don’t know it you believe the Bible, or not, but I do. I’m not angry at you personally but I hope you’ll think about these things.
Yes, rape is terrible, awful, more horrendous than I can even think of the words for, but I still can’t justify killing the baby. There are plenty of people who would gladly adopt a baby, no matter what the circumstances are. I definitely think the rapist should be punished but not the victims, which includes both the mother and the child.
Patty Pro-Life
O….kay: WHAT is with the pro-life dogma and WHY is she attempting to bludgeon me over the head with it when my column wasn’t about that….WTF?!?
Hello Patty,
Thanks for reading my article and taking the time to respond. As for your points, I will elaborate below:
– Rep. Akin didn’t immediately apologize: at first he said ‘I misspoke.’ Only days into the backlash did he attempt to use words that sounded closer to ‘sorry.’ There is a difference.
– My taking issue with an unproven and ignorant statement is NOT the same thing as ‘justifying murder.’ If you want to be angry at someone you don’t know over something you assumed was said, that’s your right, but what I wrote was in support of a woman who’s already in a fragile state to NOT have to be subjected to someone’s imbicility as they make laws that could impact her life and her power to make decisions directly concerning it. There is the idea of ‘separation of church and state’ for a reason, and Roe vs. Wade has been established insuring a woman’s right to privacy in that regard, and I’m not going to rehash that argument here.
In closing, a man who doesn’t have the body parts in question doesn’t have the right to dictate how they’re used or not used. THAT is what’s the most wrong with the entire scenario, that was the point of my column and that’s where I stand.
I guess she felt that I didn’t get the real point because Patty Pro-Life tried it ONE. MORE. TIME. UGH. Here she comes again…..
Dear Ms. Jackson,
I appreciate your prompt reply. I’ve been gone a few days and actually thought I’d sent my thoughts much earlier, before I left.
I’d like to clarify by saying I’m not angry with you personally and never have been. I’m sorry if I left that impression. On the other hand, you seem to be a little upset with me for saying that killing an innocent child is wrong, no matter what. I don’t know how you feel about it but for a good while, a great deal of fuss has been made over killing baby seals, as well as cruel mass slaughter of lots of other animals, and I don’t approve of that either. But how much more should we be concerned about killing baby humans? These are people, not animals, and there is a difference.
I don’t know if you think man and woman were created or came from an evolutionary process, which takes a lot of faith, by the way, but this has nothing to do with religion in an organized sense. Creation is a basic belief of many people who aren’t necessarily very ‘religious’, at least not until they’re on their deathbeds. It has nothing to do with ‘separation of church and state’ anymore than murder of an adult or child does. It has to do with when a person becomes a person. I feel confident that you don’t approve of the murder of a child or an adult.
One last thing and then I’ll hush. I sense an antagonism against men in general, which is understandable if they’re very overbearing and always putting women down. But there are very many good men, as well as very many women, who don’t want to be that way but still don’t think it’s right to take the life of an innocent child.
I’m not mad or upset in the least but I have to defend what I think is right. I do appreciate your reply, like I said.
Patty Pro-Life
Oh. HAYELL. NAW. So, because I don’t co-sign with how you get down, I’m a man-hating murderer?!? Now I had to go off on this dizzy dunce once and for all…….
Good evening Ms. Pro-Life,
My column was about rape assault victims and how laws written from arrogance and pseudo-science was physically and emotionally harmful. Period. In responding back to me a second time, you chose to circumvent that central point altogether, elaborate further on your pro-life stance while also making assumptions about me as a person, which is both unreasonable and uncalled for.
I’m not angry in the least about your being an advocate for the unborn: your beliefs are your beliefs. What’s upsetting is your insistence on lecturing me when I didn’t immediately agree with them. Why do I have to be on ‘Team Murder’ because I chose not to affirm your point of view (which you’re free to disclose, but has nothing to do with Rep. Akin’s ignorance)? I hope that you’ve used the same persistence in writing lawmakers about the rampant rate of murders in Chicago and in enforcing gun laws. Or is your concern solely for the unborn?
And as a woman who’s also passionate about her beliefs, I also have to correct you in your hyperbolic mindset in categorizing me as having ‘antagonism against men’. From those statements, I have to guess that you hadn’t encountered any of the previous columns I wrote, because if you had, you would’ve already known that I’m happily married to a man, very close to my own father and I’m a proud mother of three, the oldest being a son.
My diagreeing with someone has nothing to do with sex, but with what they say, the context used and if they want to substitute conjecture and opinion for fact. And when a lawmaker wants to become elected to a higher office without having facts to support how he or she would lead, that’s DEFINITELY a major problem and it needs to be addressed.
*drops the mic, kicks the stand over and exits stage*
I guess being exposed for the overbearing zealot that she was became too much, and after this e-mail, she fled like a roach after the light goes on…..
Good evening Ms. Jackson,
I know what your column was about. You have that venue to publicly express your views in and I hardly think anything I say is going to hurt your reputation because nobody will ever know. I was trying to be respectful in my disagreement with your views on abortion. Period! But you’re obviously offended by everything I’ve said, even though I just tried to state my views—and not publicly.
I’m sorry I offended you by what I said about your possible view toward men. I agree that I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sure you have a close relationship with your father, son, and most of all, your husband. I did not mean to insult you, but the way you phrased your last words is what made me wonder. “In closing, a man who doesn’t have the body parts in question doesn’t have the right to dictate how they’re used or not used. THAT is what’s most wrong with the whole scenario, that was the point of my column and that’s where I stand.”
You have a right to stand where you want to, but everybody else does, too, at least so far. I don’t see any point in any further communication. I’m truly sorry I irritated you so!
Patty Pro-Life
Of course you don’t see a point Patty: I’m not a malleable, mealy-mouthed airhead and I won’t be bullied into your BS. DUECES.
1 Comment
While everyone has an opinion. I agree with your stance on this subject. I don’t think the person who wrote in gets the point that you were trying to make in your article. Keep up the great work. Don’t let anyone get you to change your feelings or views.
September 6, 2012 at 1:34 pm