To let the media tell it, you’re more likely to find a polka-dotted unicorn moonwalking across a rainbow in the middle of rush hour traffic faster than a loving and committed African-American couple.
Don’t believe the hype.
There are incredible odds against us, no doubt: institutionalized and systemic racism, societal pressures and unrealistic, inhumane standards that we were never designed to meet plague and pervade our daily lives.
However, despite those obstacles, we connect and intertwine with each other’s destinies, forging forever bonds and often creating new generations in the process.
Our love isn’t perfect, without struggles or easy by any means, but it is authentic, unique, and just as worthwhile as anyone else’s. Gravitating to one another isn’t about ‘settling’: in fact, to those of us who cherish our legacies, it’s about our souls, our sustenance and our very survival as a community and as a people.
So acknowledge, accept and embrace it world: Black Love is enduring, essential and indomitable. Let’s keep it moving Brothers and Sisters, live on and love on!!!

Brilliant article! After the first humans emerged out of Mother Africa, it took over two thousand years for the world to be brainwashed into its current white state. It took a little longer time, after slavery when the bull whip of White men slashed black women’s backs that Black men began to disrespect Black women. I vividly remember such abuse, though it never happened in my household. Yet, as a child I lie in bed and hear him beating his wife as if she were a child. That’s also the time I heard that because Noah’s son saw him naked, the Black race was cursed. I grew up and slowly witnessed Black people excelling in many things and trying to rid itself of the negative stereotyping. And it angers me, because it shouldn’t be such a big thing. It never should have happened. Slowly, worldwide and much more slowly in America, scientists are seeing that the first humans came out of Mother Africa. Going through the middle east where they first mated with Neanderthals (I see why Hitler hated the Jews and blamed them for interracial marriage), they went through Asia and populated the world. That Blacks could brave such harsh environments is a testament to our fortitude. Slavery is also a testimony to that toughness, since Whites couldn’t cut it, so those in power at the time made Blacks do the hard work. Yes, African (Human) love, or (as I can only experience it), African American love should be known for what it is, because Black love is how we all, every-cotton-pickin’-one-of-us-of-all-hues, got here in the first place.
April 19, 2014 at 11:15 amBeautiful Message!! I love it!Sharing… and I couldn’t agree more!
April 19, 2014 at 10:39 am