What was the boy supposed to do, turn off Netflix and watch?!? Good lesson for the punk who tried it and I hope the survivors heal and move on, bravo to this courageous young man!!!
“The 8th grade student was getting ready for school around 7 a.m. when Childress, who was visiting from out of town, began hitting and kicking her.
Police say when Darvon and his sister tried to stop Childress, he started beating them too.
“At that point, we have a 13-year-old that grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the suspect and stopped the confrontation at that point,” said Sgt. Trent Crump.
Darvon says he just did what he had to do to protect his mother.
“It was my instincts, I had to stop it… I was a little bit nervous,” he said.
Childress staggered, bleeding to a neighbor’s front door.
“I opened the door and he literally like falls into the living room, and he’s all that b**** stabbed me, that b**** stabbed me… and I looked the side.. he had a deep stab wound.. deep,” said a neighbor.
“It was a bad situation and my son felt like the only way he could save my life was to do what he did. And he really saved my life. If it wasn’t for him, I’d have been dead or in a coma. I’m sure of it. It was bad,” said Darvon’s mother.
Childress, 26, underwent surgery at an area hospital and is expected to survive his stab wounds. Police say he will face charges for domestic abuse.” (My Fox DFW)