I get it: using urbanized colloquialisms, AKA slang, can be a fun thing to do….I’ve been known to sling a few on occasion. But one manager at a fast-food franchise has apparently had it UP. TO. HERE. with some of the trendy vernacular getting thrown around in the workplace by the teen set and made a list of forbidden phrases and terms. IMO, using it around customers makes sense because obviously, not everyone is going to get it and that’s possibly offensive depending on how it’s being applied (“Can I get another refill?” “Didn’t you just have the first one free? Boy BYE.“). I just hope they aren’t being restricted on their lunches/breaks as well. Thoughts?
“Eric is the manager at a Chick-fil-A, and according to redditor Mausar, he got fed up with the way his employees spoke and posted the list above of banned words. This list made me feel old as the hills; I think I understood the term “bae” and the reference to Ebola (good to know today’s youth are staying up to date on current events!).” (someecards)