True story—- I used to know a woman with a preteen who had natural hair: it was beautiful and thick like a lion’s mane and reddish just like her dad’s (who is biracial). Mom decided she was tired of doing it for her and let the ex talk her into getting a relaxer applied. He promised he would help keep it up and… all know what happened next right? NADA. Now her hair is jacked up for no good reason, dried up and out like a bird’s nest unless she does the BC to start over.
With that being said, a nasty chick like the one in this example would get charges pressed against her and end up in court….if she were lucky enough to avoid an @$$-whooping first. If YOU were the girl’s mother, what would you do? Contrary to what this Stank Stepmama thinks, it’s not about the father paying this or doing that, the point is that the stepmother knew the mother is the primary caretaker and the one REGULARLY maintaining the child’s hair. #IWishAMFerWould #TricksJumpUpToGetBeatDown