What, what, WHAT will it take for more of our so-called ‘men’ to use their efforts against the pedophiles in their families and communities rather than to bash, ridicule and sabotage their own mothers, daughters, sisters and SOs? They’re the first ones to jump on YouTube and every other available type of social media to call Black women ‘evil and bitter,’ but never want to check one another for being abusive molesters OR examine why they keep perpetuating the madness!
“Forbes kept talking about her pregnancy and Ferdinand became enraged and smothered her with a leather pillow. He stated that she struggled but “[it] wasn’t much of a struggle, she was little.” He then doused her corpse with Axe Body Spray and set it on fire; afterward he stuffed the body in a suitcase and threw it into Gerritsen Bay.
After being arrested and confessing to the crime, Ferdinand asked police, “Do you think I can get some kind of community service?”
It took a Brooklyn, New York, jury less than an hour on Monday to find him guilty of the murder and he now faces 25 years to life behind bars.” (Rolling Out)