Chocolate Mama here is no Relationship Expert, and never actually claimed to be. However….my Grown Woman’s Intuition goes into full-tilt alarm mode when a Hollywood man is cheesing hard in every picture with a particular actress (ladies, you know what type of ‘cheese’ I’m talking about) and stays GUSHING every time her name is mentioned, yet rarely says anything positive in public about his other half and/or stays frowned up while talking about marriage (if he talks about it at all outside of blistering stand-up routines) something in the milk just ain’t clean. Seriously.
Here’s a comment lifted from a gossip blog that underscores my point: “Rosario is a whore – everyone knows that. Chris is clouded by some ‘new new’. When it get so loose he will have to strap a bungee cord around his waist for any experience of some ‘snap back’, then and only then will he realize how foolish he was in his decision.
Poor Malaak… On the brighter side, she won’t have to look at that booger wolf another morning in her life!”
Well DAMN. #JustMyTake #JustMyTake #KneegrowPlease #NiceTryNoCigar
“Chris Rock filed for divorce from his wife of 19 years for one simple reason … he wasn’t happy in the marriage, sources directly connected to the couple tell TMZ.
One source says this will be a “simple divorce” and that there is no third party involved (Riiiiiiiiight, CM) — Chris just did not want to continue in a marriage that was not fulfilling.
Although our sources say the divorce won’t be contentious … obviously there is some bad blood. As TMZ previously reported … Rock complained Malaak has been preventing him from seeing their 2 daughters — and he is asking for shared legal and physical custody.” (TMZ)