This article spells out the huffy, condescending and projecting types of responses I get from some white readers when my columns happen to focus on race. A few of them have actually thanked me for educating/enlightening them on our issues and others steadily insist that my refusal to overlook racism/WP/WS is the very reason it remains a problem (?!). THOSE are the types that get THOROUGHLY ‘read for dust/filth’ and 9 times out of 10, they are never heard from again. #SomebodyGonLearnToday
“As my Black female friends explained, this is how a conversation typically plays out on Facebook: Some White women start out by assuring us that they’re not racist. They say they’re colorblind. They’ll claim you’re personally attacking them (rather than their irrational ideas about race).
Then they say that we’re being “inflammatory” or “divisive,” and making racism worse. Then, many say they feel personally wounded, attacked by our posts, and then come more tears.
Then comes the waiting for us to comfort and reassure them that they’re not bad people. And finally, they thank us for enlightening them, and ask what they can do to end racism.
It’s stressful enough that Black people have to see endless posts documenting racism, our fears, and stress related to the fact that a Black person is killed by the police every 28 hours. So when our White friends venture into our space to challenge our lived reality with their subjective responses, we’re left stewing in frustration. Why do some White women feel the need to express their disappointment and emotional pushback, and contest the points Black people are making? It’s as if they’re trying to overpower our reality, our pain, and our anger with their own.” (Dame Magazine)

Ps heck lorrie for all we know sessions great uncle might have owned a sharecropping farm and the Bob Marley line from slave driver could be applied to the black sharecroppers that worked on his great uncle’s farm free only to be chained in poverty I’m sure you know where I’m coming from lorrie you’re socially aware.
May 30, 2017 at 3:08 amNothing surprises me about that kkklown, unfortunately…….
June 21, 2017 at 5:35 pmYes i have a comment regarding race you and i know about jeff sessions the new attorney general I think two appropriate songs to send him as a gift would be slave driver by Bob Marley and legalize it by Peter by Peter tosh quite appropriate for the redneck huh lorrie?
May 30, 2017 at 3:04 amLove ur writings! Keep grinding sis!
December 18, 2014 at 10:45 am