When I saw this ad, I wanted to run to the calendar and see if I still dwelled in the 21st Century: an online ad for a MANDINGO FIGHT and ANTEBELLUM PARTY? REALLY?! I don’t know which is worse, the fact that Paula Deen someone placed it or the fact that some Kneegrows WILL actually answer it and comply……
Let’s see how many stereotypes and prejudices are listed here: Asexual, Subservient, Docile Shuffling Kneegrows? Check. Savage, Violent Black men? Check. Big Black Bucks who are at the ad placer’s behest to perform at will for their twisted pleasure, and naked at that?!? Paula, quit playing! CHECK.
This is what perpetuating the ignorance and entitlement from one generation to the next does, and our largest weapons are self-knowledge and truth. Parents, teach your children thoroughly and accurately while also modeling to them that there are some things in life that have too high a cost to lose….such as dignity, humanity and self-respect.
And if you’re one of the boot-licking, shoe-shining, buck-dancing coon types that wants to get with some BS like this, have at it: I just hope the check clears and that the amount is big so you can FINALLY buy some sanity and self-love.

hi lorrie in terms of stereotypes you notice that antics of rappers have gotten so ignorant and negative that ironically they make the notorious amos and Andy look like high Shakespeare? there’s always a higher level to everything lorrie.
June 26, 2017 at 4:52 pmHi lorrie this is Abe hope you’re doing well I’m requesting advice for your on something let’s say I take up keyboards I have one at home and my uncle’s a professional musician and he teaches me some songs on the piano and I saved up enough money to hire three jazz musicians and i form a quartet with them to play a couple of songs for her including elegant evening by the crusaders do you think she would be flattered?I’m asking you because you know women better than I do lorrie.thank you for your time.
April 14, 2017 at 6:54 pmWhen I read that ad, my jaw literally dropped. Who? What? Why? I am speechless. If her husband loved that movie so much, why not just buy him a copy of the Blu-ray? Why stage this elaborate, humiliating, racist display that is supposed to be a celebration of his birth? While I suspect she might get some people willing to play these roles for major cash, I sincerely hope she doesn’t get any takers. Sheesh, lady! Find some other way to have fun.
March 31, 2015 at 1:45 pmIncomprehensible and INSANE Dr. Misty, you said it all. 🙁
March 31, 2015 at 9:20 pm