Quick question: what did #WalterScott, #EricGarner, #SeanBell, #JordanDavis, #TrayvonMartin and #MichaelBrown (to name only a few) all have in common?
Answer: they were ALL unarmed and none of them had locks in their hair—–yet they ALL were shot down in cold blood. So what the hell is being gained in compromising one’s own beliefs and personal aesthetics with a move like this?!?
Our hair growing in the way God intended it to is NOT an affront to white America OR an excuse for them to target us for racial profiling….it simply just IS. And actions like this only signify to the world, IMO, that we will stop at sacrificing NOTHING for the basic right to live, even our individuality and self-respect.
< ——— My locks, my dark skin, full lips and generous backside are all a part of who I am. I look the way God intended me to and if that makes bigots and idiots uncomfortable or feeds THEIR shallow stereotypes, SO BE IT. Wanna know why?
Because those who fear, loathe and target Blackness don’t care about how fly, neat, intelligent, ‘clean’ or ‘respectable’ one is, they will find ANY excuse to aim, fire or otherwise remove it from their presence.
So going forward, before one compromises to the point of surrender to make random moronic strangers comfortable, they should think it over and, instead, assemble efforts against the REAL enemy—ignorance, racism, white privilege/supremacy. Because actions like this are truly INactions and focus on the results rather than the causes, factors we didn’t create.
Our kids need, and deserve, better examples from us adults. We are already enough, AS WE ARE, to have our humanity respected, and that reality should mean more than to ‘buckle and fold.’
#MissMeWithThisBS #FRespectabilityPolitics #StandForSomethingOrFallForAnything #CanILive #BlackLivesMatter #FreeYourMind