A few years ago, when I was interviewing the SUPER-BAD Pam Grier about her memoir, she dropped some SERIOUS gems on me about keeping our sons out of these big leagues because they’re paying too high a price for the collateral damage they sustain after leaving. In her grim example, her younger brother is now without important cognitive abilities like ‘telling a fork from a spoon’ after his years of play. We’ve GOT to do better by our sons and offer more options than sports and entertainment for professions.
“…..Obviously this high percentage of living individuals is not suffering from CTE,” said McKee, a neuropathologist who directs the brain bank as part of a collaboration between the VA and Boston University’s CTE Center. But “playing football, and the higher the level you play football and the longer you play football, the higher your risk.” An NFL spokesman did not respond to several requests for comment.
CTE occurs when repetitive head trauma begins to produce abnormal proteins in the brain known as “tau.” The tau proteins work to essentially form tangles around the brain’s blood vessels, interrupting normal functioning and eventually killing nerve cells themselves. Patients with less advanced forms of the disease can suffer from mood disorders, such as depression and bouts of rage, while those with more severe cases can experience confusion, memory loss and advanced dementia.
Among the NFL legends found to have had CTE are Duerson, Hall of Fame Pittsburgh Steelers center Mike Webster and former San Diego Chargers legend Junior Seau. On Monday, ESPN’s Outside the Lines reported that a New York neuropathologist had discovered signs of CTE in the brain of Jovan Belcher. In 2012, the former Kansas City Chiefs linebacker shot and killed his girlfriend before driving to a Chiefs practice facility, where he committed suicide in front of team officials.” (PBS)