Diana Ross
Verizon Theater Grand Prairie, Texas
February 26, 2015
Silky-smooth, with a kiss of swag and an understated enthusiasm, John Legend kicked off the weekend just right for nearly 3,000 fans with his recent performance at Grand Prairie’s Verizon Theatre.
The staging was relatively sparse—just a 4 piece band, … Read the rest
If you’re a stone-to-the-bone music lover, grimace at what passes for talent these days and find yourself uttering “Maaaaaaan, where are the real ‘sangers’ at?”, chances are you were in the house—-or should’ve been there—-when Joe, Lyfe Jennings and headliner … Read the rest
Thanks to an equalized mix of funk and gospel, pinches of rock and rap and generous servings of southern-flavored soul, Anthony Hamilton gave an exhilarating performance for a packed venue of thousands when he brought his “Back to Love” tour … Read the rest