In Spike Lee’s 2000 film Bamboozled, Damon Wayans portrays the pretentious Harvard-educated Pierre Delacroix, a writer and executive at a fictitious television network. After his previous sitcom pitches are rejected by a superior as too “antiseptic” and “white-bread,” the frustrated … Read the rest
I knew that I was wading into instant drama when I wrote and submitted my post-‘verdict’ Trayvon Martin column. I had written of race issues before as a Briefing columnist, and as a Black woman who’s lived in the South … Read the rest
A week after the Zimmerman ‘verdict’ and a day after my column about the issue, readers who take exception with my views are firing off e-mail after e-mail. A couple have been supportive, others have been smug and snarky, while … Read the rest
Sunday’s weather was overcast and turbulent, the clouds obscuring any presence of brightness and creating an atmosphere weighted with tension and gloom.
Normally, I enjoy summer storms. But this time, the tempest overhead was a fitting backdrop underscoring the sadness … Read the rest
Judging from the hundreds of views to my column about the Paula Deen fiasco, many people apparently feel some kinda way about my calling her out as the ignorant, arrogant and entitled racist that she is. With the exception … Read the rest