In the 1984 comedy film, Beverly Hills Cop II, Eddie Murphy’s character, who was under surveillance, kept a pair of cops from following him by sneaking out of his hotel, running across the street and putting a banana inside the … Read the rest
A new month has arrived, a new year is around the corner and for some, 2017 can’t get here fast enough. Natural diasters, escalating civil unrest and a contentious election campaign have left many with frayed nerves and perpetual headaches, … Read the rest
On a day-to-day basis, more often than not, I consider myself to be a confident woman. I’m grateful for what I have, work with what I’ve got and usually look forward to where the adventure of life will take me … Read the rest
It’s the elephant in the room and an ugly, inconvenient truth that some whites attempt to simultaneously deny and justify: the pervasiveness and power of White Privilege. As a woman of color who covers the topic often, I have encountered … Read the rest
If you are the parent of a non-white male, get them familiar with the legal process LONG before they may have to encounter it: starting in pre-school would help. That’s because, according to author and educational consultant Jawanza Kunjufu, our … Read the rest