A packed house, balmy spring breezes and nearly two hours of live music expertise courtesy of our generation’s baddest band made “Good Friday” even better when Mint Condition regaled a packed-out venue as headliners of the Ladies Choice show at … Read the rest
Book Review by: Melody Charles
Publisher: Touchstone
In book 2 of Meesha Mink’s hard-hitting “Real Wifeys” series, Get Money, Harriet “Luscious” Jordan and Kaelya “Goldie” Dennis (the heroine of “On The Grind”) go from homegirls and business associates to betrayals … Read the rest
Let’s face it, friends: aside from the steady stream of musical cameos (Madonna, 50 Cent, Timbaland), film and TV roles (Saturday Night Live, Shrek 3, The Social Network, Bad Teacher, Friends With Benefits, etc.), big business moves and last year’s … Read the rest
She isn’t the first author to make a name for herself in the explosive category of urban fiction, but Meesha Mink, AKA Niobia Bryant, established herself as a fictional force to be reckoned with ever since her first best-seller, Three … Read the rest
As a professional critic and a lifelong music fiend, it’s pretty easy for me to explain why I love me some Mint Condition. They compose their own music, pen their own lyrics and have levels of diversity that incorporates multiple … Read the rest