….For years the Ft. Worth, TX-based performer did the moonlight hustle as a marketing professional by day who jammed different joints and genres by night. After that grind wore him down, Letteri “ditched the desk” and went full-on pro on … Read the rest
…..As uneven as the last few years may have been for Studdard, he isn’t the first artist who’s suffered missteps like declining sales, messy management drama or record label change-ups, but he’s got to be one of the few possessing … Read the rest
….But what about the in-between or the aftermath? What’s left for the ones who are clutching love by a thread, unsure of the next step or those on the other side of through with boxes packed, leases broken and U-Hauls … Read the rest
….Huge demand from their 2013 performances has the quintet criss-crossing from city-to-city in a nearly non-stop blitz from one end to the other in the Lone Star State (kicking off at Dallas’ Trees on Feb 13), but that didn’t keep … Read the rest
…..It’s hard to imagine that the 33-year-old has had the time to get a good forty winks in given her dizzying schedule, but she still generously made time for a chat with Knowshi about her most trying characters, who she … Read the rest