Happy New Year! I am so glad to be on the other side of 2023 with you all. No matter how you greet it, witnessing the arrival is an accomplishment and a chance to begin anew.

As we observe and … Read the rest
Happy New Year! I am so glad to be on the other side of 2023 with you all. No matter how you greet it, witnessing the arrival is an accomplishment and a chance to begin anew.
As we observe and … Read the rest
Cool winds, warm cider, hot boots and and the crunch of dry leaves….autumn is my favorite time of year. Nestled between the scorch of summer and the chill of wintertime, the season offers a brief respite before the madness of … Read the rest
……In comparison to their pedestrian (and likely obligatory) 1998 release, ironically entitled The Love Movement, We Got It crackles with energy and inspiration. Phife’s pitch mellowed with age, but his familiar cadence won’t be denied, matching Q-Tip rhyme for rhyme … Read the rest
Talk about “All Falls Down.”
In a recent radio interview, Kanye West may have stood up for his wife, but what he also did was demonstrate his personal thirst factor and the strange sort of largesse that non-Black women receive … Read the rest
…..Love him or loathe him, take him or leave him, John Legend has always been clear about his intentions and his artistry. In fact, when he dropped his debut on his 26th birthday in 2004, the title track spelled it … Read the rest