In the 2004 film, White Chicks, the idea was a funny one: two bumbling FBI detectives, played by Shawn and Marlon Wayans, are forced to “babysit” a pair of spoiled heiress sisters, Britney and Tiffany, to foil a larger kidnapping … Read the rest
Every weekend, after Saturday dance classes and before Sunday evening, the girls and I gather in the living room for a marathon of hair-styling.
One by one, Nia and Layla take turns sitting between Mama’s knees, patiently accepting my commands … Read the rest
“No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.” Alice Walker
All respect due to A Tribe Called Quest, I actually heard “We The People” bumping in my head as I read this woman’s … Read the rest
In the 1984 comedy film, Beverly Hills Cop II, Eddie Murphy’s character, who was under surveillance, kept a pair of cops from following him by sneaking out of his hotel, running across the street and putting a banana inside the … Read the rest
Sooooo, lemme get this straight: after issuing what ANY sane person would deem a ‘terrorist threat’ to a class full of minors, this sociopath and so-called ‘teacher’ STILL has a job?!?
“She conveyed to me that Mrs. Ramsey had indicated … Read the rest