With the start of school a couple of weeks away, Calvin and I have procured most of the necessities our kids will need to begin the new year. When questions arise from the soon-to-be kindergartener and almost-third-grader, we answer what … Read the rest
After 15 years, dozens of novels and numerous awards, author Niobia Bryant is
trying something new. She’s launching an urban fiction series under her pseudonym, Meesha Mink. Kiss The Ring, which hits store shelves on Tuesday (Aug 5), may appear … Read the rest
Some folks prefer comedies or reality shows, but when it comes to my limited TV time, I’m a Judge Judy fan. She’s got her abrasive moments, sure, but if you watch for long enough, there are elements from all the … Read the rest
When it comes to careers, the golden trifecta of money, power and respect can be hard for anyone to achieve, particularly in the music biz. The path to profitability hinges on a tenuous tightrope that swings on the whims of … Read the rest
The Rev. Jesse Jackson’s presence is both fascinating and formidable, and his civil rights work is far from over.
As the founder of the social justice nonprofit organization Rainbow/PUSH (a combination of the Rainbow Coalition and Operation PUSH), Jackson’s recent … Read the rest