Last fall, the week before Thanksgiving, I was at home preparing for a flight when Nia called: she had been practicing after school for choir and both of us were under the impression that her older brother Darius was picking … Read the rest
No matter what the occasion is—–Valentine’s Day, my birthday, and yes, even Christmas—–I’m an easy woman to please when it comes to presents. In fact, as long as the item is in good taste, I can usually appreciate and find … Read the rest
Sometimes, I luck out and catch star on the rise and this time, I caught one before he came a supernova and as Martin Lawrence used to say, ‘blow-up-tuated.’ Here’s my previously-published 2010 chat with Kevin Hart and his surprising … Read the rest

A few years ago, during an episode of his Emmy-Award-winning and outrageously funny talk show for HBO , actor and comedian Chris Rock featured “The Progress Report,” a fictitious flow chart measuring how far black people moved in society based … Read the rest