if you’ve gotten far enough to read this note, you’ve perused my site and know that I lean heavily on the conscious side, love my people and have an unquenchable thirst for
anything that will deepen my knowledge of my roots and the Motherland. Luckily, social media led me to another kindred spirit, Angi, who’s taken that adoration for African culture, combined it with an entrepreneurial spirit and channeled them both into a home-based business, Angi’s Ancestrals ©.
Using wood-carved African symbols (Egyptian, Andinkra, cowry shells, etc.), Ms. Angi specializes in “hand crafted jewelry and accessories that show cases an ancestral sense of style while empowering black communities. (c)” Below you can find examples of her finished pieces, contact information and definitions/illustrations of what can be ordered according to taste.
Whether you’re into oversized Ankh earrings, Isis the Goddess lock jewelry and cowry shell rings, your choices can be ordered directly from Ms. Angi (prices ranging from $5-$20) via text or after liking and messaging its companion page, “For the Love Jewelry” on Facebook.
Angi’s Ancestrals (C)
214-280-7104 (text for order/price)