…..As uneven as the last few years may have been for Studdard, he isn’t the first artist who’s suffered missteps like declining sales, messy management drama or record label change-ups, but he’s got to be one of the few possessing gifts so resplendent that a veteran musical icon, the one-man hit producer/arranger/composer/songwriter David Foster, signs him to the label he runs (Verve) and pours all of his well-honed skills into a sixth CD, Unconditional Love.
For most of Ruben’s peers, one look at the titles of this eleven song set would likely inspire skepticism at an ability to master the material: after all, with the exception of one track, the rest of the songs span genres and were originally executed by some of the industry’s most instantly-recognizable performers. Thanks to the adroitness of Mr. Studdard, however, the covers….(please click here to read the review at soultracks.com)

1 Comment
Liked the review on Ruben Stoddard. Found out a lot of information about him that I didn’t know.
February 11, 2014 at 4:26 pm