*The above image is for satirical purposes only and IS NOT an attempt to diminish the seriousness of sexual assault*
Hello Mr. Akin,
We are a generation apart in age and live in different parts of the country and will probably never meet face-to-face. But as an American citizen and taxpayer, I felt moved to use my Freedom of Expression to openly address the comments you made last week in clarifying your views on abortion rights. It wasn’t surprising that you doubled-down on your pro-life stance, but what was quite shocking was your ill-guided efforts in tying the conception rates of sexual assault victims to how ‘legitimate’ their attacks were: “From what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
Seriously, Rep. Akin? Which medical experts did you consult before making that claim—-Dr. Scholls and Dr. Pepper? And how does one horrific act of forcing sexual activity on a woman against her will become more or less ‘legitimate’ than the next? The chauvinistic arrogance that you displayed toward women, who represent over half of the population you’re now campaigning to serve as U. S. Senator, was both demeaning and destructive.
Since we both have children, Mr. Akin, perhaps I can appeal to your parental instincts in making you aware of how prevalent rape actually is: according to the latest statistics provided by the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, there are nearly a quarter of a million sexual assault victims every year, and every two minutes, someone in this country is violated. Although women of any age and ethnic group are vulnerable to attack, those 30 and younger remain the most targeted. If someone that you knew and loved endured the horror of rape and had the misfortune to conceive—-a niece, a grandchild, or even a daughter—would that rigid ‘pro-life’ stance still apply?
I consider myself an intelligent person Rep. Akin, but as a woman, I wouldn’t dare to speak on the functions of a man’s reproductive system and imply that those who were violated that ‘shutting down’ a biological response was within their will to perform. You claim to respect the sanctity of life without realizing that pregnancy is a taxing experience to the mind and body even if you want the baby. How can a woman who who was powerless to stop an assault supposed to ward off its unintentional consequences? If you become a Senator, how could legislating that mindset not be construed as inflicting yet another form of cruelty and control?
Your supporters have probably decided that this is now old news: they likely believe that you’ve apologized for having ‘misspoke,’ deserve the benefit of the doubt and should get down to the business of campaigning. But what your gaffe demonstrates, Rep. Akin, isn’t just about your attitude toward the rights and equality of women: It displays that you are comfortable with using assumptions and untruths as a means to an end. And frankly, electing a man like that into national office, where he can write and endorse laws at a federal level has implications too frightening to contemplate.
In closing, Rep. Akin, author and civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said that “when someone shows you who they are, believe them.” And just as you have the right to believe we can ‘shut down’ ovulation to prevent pregnancy after a rape, we also have the right to use the 19th amendment to shut down your ‘illegitimate’ attempts at a higher office.