From a commenter: “….I listened to El Fatso in the early 90’s when his show was 40% comedy. The parodies were absurdly funny and Shanklin’s songs were priceless. But then the comedy left and Rush was opining on everything as if he is the Grand Poohba of the world. This man may be shrewd, business-savvy and maybe even smart. But he is still JUST a bomb-thrower, a “shock jock” and if he REALLY believes what he says…. then he is also an evil person. So YES, I have listened to pompous jerk…. and he has a right to express opinions, but when it is 100% political, then there should be equal time for the opposing view. THAT is what is now missing. The Right has changed political views into “entertainment,” which means that there is NO need for equal time. This is one area where we DO need to step back in time and renew the laws that required equal time for political messaging.”
“Responding to a caller on his nationally syndicated radio show, Limbaugh launched into a soliloquy about so-called politically correct liberals who believe that America is responsible for the spread of Ebola in Liberia because that nation was established by freed American slaves. “And if it hadn’t been for that they probably wouldn’t have [Ebola]. So there are some people who think we kind of deserve a little bit of this,” he said, before accusing elected leaders of purposely leaving the country vulnerable to the virus.
“The danger we have now is that we elected people in positions of power and authority who think this or think like this in terms of this country being responsible, this country being to blame for things and it’s that kind of thinking that leads to opposition to shutting down airports from various countries,” Limbaugh explained, referring to the Obama administration’s handling of the crisis.
“It leads to opposition to keeping these people out of the country: ‘How dare we? We can’t turn our back on them! They exist because of us. We can’t turn them away!’” he said.” (ThinkProgress)