Let’s keep it real here, shall we? There is NOTHING like finding that special man who brings home the bacon, cherishes you, helps you raise the babies AND can put it down right in the bedroom. And if you live with him on the daily and share his last name, even better. However, as much as I personally enjoy, er, ‘being happy,’ I draw the line at publicizing my husband’s prowess online in a public medium/forum. Not only can it draw the thirsty to your private well, what if they want details or an ex chimes in to co-sign (“Oooooh YEAH Honey!!! Why don’t you ask him about the time we ___________. If he doesn’t remember, I still got the pics and video!!!” UGH.
Anyway, Erica Campbell (1/2 of Grammy-Award winning sister gospel duo Mary Mary) was apparently having a moment and/or basking in the afterglow and decided to post this revealing series of hashtags under a recent pic of the hubby Warryn:
“Mmmmm this guy sure does make me happy in sooo many ways… #lawdhamercy #goodstuff #mine #chocolatetastegood #grown #maybeishouldgetoffsocialmedia #ummm #goodnight #betterthingstodo #undefiled #latenight #hallelujah #satisfied #nasty”
Grown or not, married or not, is it all good to brag about the spouse’s sexy-time skills on or off social media? Discuss and leave comments below.