From a commenter: “….By all means, let’s not attempt to hold them to a higher standard just because we arm them and empower them and give them the authority of life and death over others. And, in fact, the very concept of “sovereign immunity” needs to be challenged, now that no-knock raids are routinely employed in things like drug searches. Remember the baby into whose crib a flash-bang grenade was thrown? That kind of raid is an abuse of police power on the face of it. Your view contributes to the growth of a militarized, irresponsible police presence that looks upon all citizens, and especially citizens of color, as guilty until proven innocent. A seven-year-old girl who was sleeping on a couch was killed in this raid, and by you that’s a proper exercise of police power. By me, that’s at the very least a level of incompetence that needs to be weeded out, and at the most, manslaughter.”
“The Wayne County prosecutor’s office said in a statement that on Friday Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway dismissed the involuntary manslaughter charge, granting a motion submitted by Weekley’s attorney, Steve Fishman. Hathaway then granted the prosecution’s request for a stay on her decision and adjourned court until Monday.
The prosecution will file an emergency appeal with the Court of Appeals, according to the Detroit News.
Fishman said that for involuntary manslaughter to be proved, the prosecution would need to demonstrate that his client acted in a “grossly negligent manner” in the circumstances leading to Stanley-Jones’ death.
“There is absolutely no evidence, none, that’s in the least bit credible, that Officer Weekley knowingly created a danger or, more importantly, intended to cause injury,” Fishman said in court Friday.
Weekley shot Stanley-Jones in 2010 during a botched police raid in search of a murder suspect. The raid occurred after midnight, and Weekley was first through the door of the Stanley-Jones home on the east side of Detroit, as a film crew shadowing the officers filmed for a reality television show. A fellow officer is said to have thrown a flash-bang grenade, and Weekley fired his gun shortly after, killing the 7-year-old girl, who was sleeping on the couch.” (HuffPost)