“Girl I want you in my life cause you have made it better
Thinkin we all in love cause we can spend a day together
We talkin’ spendin’ the rest of our lives
It’s too many black women that can say they mothers
but can’t say that they wives….” Common, “Retrospect For Life”
As a woman who’s been married almost 10 years, I can definitely tell you this: no matter who you are, how old you may be and how long you’ve been with your honey, marriage is a full-time job. Loving that man or that woman when times are good is easy, but what about when the going gets rough and the stakes are high? Can your beloved still count on you to keep and enact those vows? I can only hope I’m as steadfast as this brother right here, never walking away from his Mrs. in her time of need and even speeding up her recovery. SUCH a beautiful story and an example to follow for the rest of us, KUDOS to you Raleigh and Tunicia Hall!!!
Tunicia and Raleigh Hall had recently been married when Tunicia landed in the ICU.
She was hemorrhaging around her brain. Raleigh stayed by her side. He quickly realized Tunicia had suffered some memory loss – not knowing what year it was or how old she was.
“After two days I said I got to do something here,” Raleigh said.
He plastered her room at North Shore LIJ with their wedding pictures.
“I remember my husband was going around the room putting up the pictures. I don’t know why he was putting up the pictures. I was just watching him,” said Tunicia.
“She started coming around and it drew questions about when were we married? And are we married?” said Raleigh.
Slowly, gradually, Tunicia became her old self again.
“It’s not just medical science that’s bringing patients back. Patients families are so important,” said Dr. Richard Temes of North Shore-LIJ.
“With his love and God’s grace I’m here,” said Tunicia (ABC 7 Chicago).