Let’s just put it like this: most people simply know better than to tell others to not worry about something that they themselves have in abundance. Married people usually don’t tell lonely friends to not date, couples with children don’t tell the reproductively-challenged that kids aren’t that important and women with ample cleavage don’t go out of their way to tell flatter-chested friends that breasts are no big deal (!). So when someone belonging to a group of ‘haves’ actually tells someone classified as a ‘have not’ that what they crave doesn’t matter, it REEKS of duplicity and being tacky/tone-deaf. So please…just…stop. Check your privilege and if you find yourself belittling the importance of a trait or a state that you have unfettered access to, become committed to creating a solution instead of perpetuating the problem or SHUT. THE. HELL. UP. Simple.
“Of course feminists can tell black women that they need to love themselves… they are inherently given validation as women because they are white! They are always cast as the pretty, popular character. The same goes for deluded black women and privileged black men. Chris Rock can blather on and on and on (along with other male celebrities) about how much black women shouldn’t hate their hair and themselves because as men they have the privilege of shaving off the object of societies derision. They can walk around with no hair on the fucking head, because they are men. They don’t even need to have to worry about it. Not to mention they get respect because they are MEN.
*Sigh* I’m starting to feel like a parrot reciting the same thing over and over. But this keeps coming up and it’s PISSING ME OFF!!!
The only reason why black women are the ones singled out about self love is because nobody realizes that the people who don’t have a problem with loving themselves are only there because of their Male and White privilege. And because of these privileges they don’t have to think about the same problems that affect black women.
Black men don’t have to think about how something as trivial as their hair or their weight places them in society because they are MEN. They have the privilege that protects them. So goes it for white women who can ignore traditional societies orders of trying to conform because everyone is trying to conform TO THEM because they are WHITE!” (Not Your Girl Friday)

1 Comment
Yes, lawd! The principle is so simple yet people pretend to not get it; operative word: pretend.
October 27, 2014 at 5:45 pm