The ebola virus works like the common cold except it mutates every time the virus is passed to another person, so it’s no sure way of being completely safe from it but its certain precautions you can take to keep you and your family safe:
1. Get surgical mask and latex gloves. It may look ridiculous but if you are living anywhere close to a infected person, it’s very necessary.
2. Pay close attention to the people around you, the virus can be dormant for weeks.
3. Hand sanitizer and napkins to wipe down door handles at work, public restrooms, grocery store baskets or anything that you know people are touching frequently with unsanitized hands. Its important to remember that Ebola can survive on a surface for hours or even days, especially if the surface is moist, that is a very big deal.
4. Try to avoid sharing food or drinks with folks, especially family.
5. Keep your immune system strong as possible, vitamin c, cayenne pepper,cinnamon, daily vitamins, eat well and exercise in your home. Remember it works like a cold, its just more vicious. A strong immune system will lessen chances.
6. Worst case scenario: if a outbreak happens, pack your family up and head to the country and if you don’t have the means to do so, the quratine your family in your home. If that happens, the government will quratine those who they expect to have the virus to concentration camps, they already have them set up with caskets ready to go. Research that—-our government is foul and very evil, that’s why they are lying about it now. Also, spread the info around, if we know what precautions to take we can minimize and even eliminate the chance of a outbreak. It’s already people campaigning and letting folks know. We have to look after each other.
7. Don’t take no vaccines or soap or anything offered by the government unless its a last resort. Look to the sky for chemtrails, if you see those, then be sure to have a mask handy.
8. You already know this I’m sure, but pray to GOD.. no sickness is of Him.
9. Don’t panic, its not the end of the world: panic and hysteria won’t help the situation. We can combat this. Its scary when you look at the thousands who have died in Africa and the border hopping the virus has done, but we have way more resources [in the US].