Don’t you just LOVE it when someone who’s as grimy as all get-out creates a product or service that promises to correct your inherent flaws/faults? We can’t just ‘think like ladies and act like men’ anymore, now we need to plug into this ‘insightful’ database to determine what’s best suited to our feminine deficiencies, JOY!!! *snark* #KneegrowPlease #ICan’t #EnoughAlready
“Per Harvey’s Mars-versus-Venus reading of gender politics, Delightful will cater primarily to women, but also to men with a womanly interest in settling down. For women, there will be advice columns on topics such as “how to become more dateable”; for men, instructionals on being the kind of man who knows how to treat a woman.
Women, he says, are apt to wax poetic about finding a soulmate but undermine themselves by being too picky in the parameters they use to screen candidates. “Your soulmate, the man of your dreams, may not live an hour away,” he says. Men, meanwhile, need tutoring in the fine points of chivalry, like always walking in between one’s date and the street to protect her from traffic. “It’s sad to say, but the divorce rate in this country is so high, there are a lot of young men out there, quality men, who’ve never been told, ‘Hey man, this is the proper way to treat a lady,’” he says. (Forbes)