So, with all of his connections and networking, Steve Harvey can’t find any worthy African-American role models and mentors for the teens in his program and wants Paula Deen to put in work? SERIOUSLY? The same Paula Deen who routinely called Blacks ‘darkies’/’n*****s’ and teared up about the pain of her ancestor committing suicide over the loss of his slaves, but none for those he exploited? Wow. Just…..WOW.
“According to a press release, Deen will make an appearance on Harvey’s talk show, where he will explain her new involvement with his mentoring camp. The episode will air on Oct. 2.
Harvey is allowing Deen and her team to teach culinary skills to boys from the Steve Harvey Mentoring Camp. Each year 100 fatherless boys attend Harvey’s camp in Dallas during Father’s Day weekend. During their stay the boys are taught principles of manhood and introduced to positive male role models.
Sure, the mentoring camp is a great idea, but with Deen and her staff?” (The Root)