This story just keeps getting sadder and sadder and sadder: obviously she had no insider help/guidance and failed to fulfill the terms of the agreement. Baby Daddy was no help then and now and Shanesha Taylor’s squandered any good future good will when it comes to herself and the children that she swore she was doing her best to provide for. The wheels are off and a crash is inevitable. TRAGIC.
“Shanesha Taylor has been assigned a public defender after a judge granted her lawyers’ motions to withdraw.
Benjamin Taylor (no relation) told a judge he had an ethical conflict with Shanesha. John Agra, who had only been on the case a few days, told the judge she failed to pay him.
Both also said that a breakdown in communication and trust had occurred with the defendant.
Taylor was arrested March 20 after leaving her two young sons in her car for about 45 minutes while she interviewed for a job in Scottsdale.
Taylor received more than $100,000 in donations after her tearful mug shot went viral.
Prosecutors gave Taylor two separate deadlines to put money into a trust fund for her children and avoid charges, but she missed both deadlines and is facing two felony child abuse charges.
The original deal required Taylor to put $60,000 in trust funds for her three children. After a hearing in October, prosecutors agreed to reduce the dollar amounts to $10,000 in education trust funds for each of her three children for a total of $30,000 and an additional $10,000 for child care.” (