Let’s keep it real up in here Friends: parenting is an exhilarating, yet EXHAUSTING task. The chores are many and the work is repetitive, so sometimes you can wonder if what you’re doing, saying or speaking day in and day out is actually being received and/or making a difference.
Apparently, it does…..and this letter offers proof.
Nia, my 8-year-old, composed this out of the blue yesterday, handed it to me and reaffirmed the timeless truism that ‘little pitchers have big ears.’ I was so moved that I had to share the ‘highlights’ (minus the misspellings, of course 😉 ), hoping it will bring a smile to your face and and some much-needed encouragement to those moms, dads and other guardians laboring in the tiring trenches. Yes, our lessons may be competing with the inanity of peers and other influences, but if they’re repeated as well as lived, our words will eventually take root, blossom in their minds and bring enlightenment to their hearts for all to benefit from.
“Dear Mom,
It is great to have a mom that is responsible, educated and gifted. When I read on of your articles it reminds me of the sweet, calm wind. When I listen to your voice it makes the whole world sparkle and you teach us more than I can even think of……
You make us learn the easier way and not hard. We listen to shows that teach us how Black people live, how slavery sucked and about Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth and more. In my heart you represent bold, smart and sassy.
I learn that nobody will make everybody happy and that a grown man ain’t supposed to act like a stupid kid……I can be anything I want to be, but I learn 100 percent from you. I follow 95 percent of your footsteps and your wealthy heart, it’s like you’re my school and I’m your student. Now I know that I don’t need computers to accomplish my goals, I can accomplish my own goals……
I’m a strong black beautiful lady and I learned everything from you! It’s a great honor to have a mom like you.
Love, Nia”
*tears* Thank you for the incredible gift Nia—-more and more, you exemplify the meaning of your name and make us proud to call you ours. Little do you know that everyday, you’re teaching Mom and Dad as well.