Working as a self-contained unit unto themselves and the parents of six children, Aja and Fatin are used to living and loving in the eye of the hurricane, so to speak, but according to the Mrs., Friends is the first recording that didn’t find her expecting or acclimating to a new baby. That truth doesn’t seem to change their sound, but it does seem to sharpen their focus and provides more of a lived-in feel to the sentiments behind the music.
Fans who have Kindred’s stellar 2011 set, Love Has No Recession, will notice that Friends is less about the world at large than its predecessor, but just as aware and well-produced. There’s still concern about life beyond their doorstep, but Dantzlers are more pressed about keeping the home fires burning in colder times. “Everybody’s Hustling” has a soothing, easy-breezy feel…..(click here to read the rest of the review at