Ladies & Gentlemen, please allow me to jump up on the soapbox for a hot minute about this right here, excuse the length of my rant because I am feeling ALL types of ways about the whole mess…
I don’t enjoy seeing ANYONE struggle as a single parent and think that men/women who willfully neglect their children are trifling,pathologically selfish ________s (take your pick), but THIS particular woman is perpetuating a crisis she willingly helped to create.
If you’re unfamiliar with her, Alexsandra Wright is the side chick who helped to break up the marriage of Mathew and Tina Knowles (parents of Solange and Beyonce) a few years back by sleeping with and conceiving a son with him. She used to get $12K a month in child support—yes friends, 12 THOUSAND DOLLARS A MONTH FOR ONE CHILD—but when the truth came out, Karma showed up and Mathew got his walking papers as Tina’s husband and Beyonce’s manager. Now, after their most recent court battle, the required monthly amount is thousands less and Mathew is paid up for the time being, but here this chick is giving interviews to anyone who will listen and telling the world, IN FRONT OF THEIR INNOCENT SON, that Mathew’s a craptastic dad and that she hopes Beyonce will reach out to her and meet her half-brother
and break them off some cash. Apparently, Ms. Wright’s ‘struggle’ is so real that she saved NOTHING from those previous months of plenty (?!) and is too busy milking her pre-schooler for sympathy points to earn her own money to support them both.
If this scenario became a movie, it would be called “Get Rich Or Cry Trying” and likely become a box office dud for trivializing the desperate dilemma that millions of other single mothers endure on the daily with MULTIPLE children and FAR LESS ends at their disposal. How can you be grown enough to have unprotected sex and conceive a baby, yet expect OTHER grown folks to solely support you both?
A friend pointed out that back in the day, if you had the nerve to be a COTS (‘chick on the side’), you would keep your mouth shut and your profile low so as not to blow up his spot. But nooooooooo, THIS delusional one wanted fame and notoriety too badly, thought he would ‘put a ring on it’ (couldn’t resist) and tried to guilt the man into giving her a lifestyle she felt entitled to have. Instead, she and the world watched him re-marry another woman (!), question paternity and get the child support order reduced.
The lesson? Don’t cheat, PERIOD, or if you do, don’t be simple enough to cheat with someone who has nothing to lose. As a former single mother myself, I raised my son on far, FAR less child support and still managed to never go homeless. Know why? Because I had a JOB Ms. Wright: if I could hold 2, can’t you find at least one? Face the music, check your ‘moral compass’ (as Judge Lynn Toler says) and dust off the resume. The only 2 people who owe your son anything are HIS PARENTS, and since you’ve been one for 3+years now, PERFORM YOUR ROLE. Nothing’s wrong with needing help….unless you refuse to help yourself FIRST.

I Can’t, I Won’t, Just STOP: An Open Letter To Alexsandra Wright : Mother of Color
April 15, 2014 at 12:46 amGood article. One thing that sticks out to me that she is a manipulative attention getter is why is she coming just for Beyoncé. Sloange is this child’s half sister as well. Either way the responsibility of this situation in on her and Mr. Knowles.
April 14, 2014 at 11:21 pmWhile I do not believe that Ms. Wright is behaving correctly, I have to respectfully disagree with a few things. First, no she did not destroy a family. That was all on Mathew. He was the one with the vows, not her. She can be faulted for many things but not that. That’s on him. Second, while Ms. Wright’s behavior may not be worthy of our respect, calling her a chick degrades all women. Why is it that cheating men are not denigrated in the same fashion? Sure, they might be called dogs but even that is somewhat of a compliment. Until men receive the same censure women do for the same (or worse) behavior, equality will not be achieved.
April 8, 2014 at 1:18 pmI do agree that Alexsandra isn’t solely responsible for the divorce Misty, that’s what’s why I specifically stated from the beginning that she ‘helped’: it likely wasn’t his first time stepping out, just his first time ‘getting caught’ and the former Mrs. Knowles could no longer hang, esp. when it was so humiliatingly obvious and no longer financially feasible or necessary.
I also agree with the ‘chick’ reference: it’s not something that I normally do and likely won’t do again, but real women handle their business and don’t insinuate that strangers have an obligation to step up (when they’re also failing in that same regard), hence my initial reluctance to call her one.
April 9, 2014 at 4:42 amWhat else is there to say?? The letter is ON POINT & SAID IT ALL!!!!
April 8, 2014 at 10:58 am#COSIGN # #APPLAUSE!!!
I appreciate you Dino, please keep reading and share!
April 9, 2014 at 4:46 amThis is trifling! If you a side chick, I say play your role! And don’t use a child as a get rich quick scheme!
April 7, 2014 at 12:32 pm*applauding* Preeeeeeeeeeeeeach!!!
April 7, 2014 at 3:49 pmI think that this chick is using her child to get boogoos of money. Why doesn’t she get off her but and get a job? She distroyed a family and doesn’t seem to have any remorse for what she did. I’m glad that the courts lowered her child support.She is a disgrace to all single women struggling to support their children.
April 7, 2014 at 11:40 amA.MEN.
April 7, 2014 at 12:02 pm