……Hearkening to the musical memories of his childhood while drawing on a modern-day grown man’s experiences in love, Eric Roberson adds refreshing depth and dimension to the typical scenarios of ‘boy meets girl.’ “Haunted” is both whimsical and weary, rueing a self-inflicted torment that caused him to fear, and lose, the game of love: “I’m haunted, by that day/when a scared young man pushed her away…I just hope I can win her back in time.”
“Pill” is a scat-filled and skittish uptempo, frantically conveying a bachelor’s paranoia (“Now she’s picking colors and calling up her mother, setting dates now I’m in trouble for sure!”) while its flip-side, the current single, “Mark On Me,” reveals the incredulous awe of a playa not used to being all up in his feelings: “I smell her hair, I even smell he perfume/Even though I know she’s not there, I can presume she left her mark on me…..”
No matter where one is in their listening journey with Eric, they quickly learn that half of his acclaim….(please click here for the full-length review at soultracks.com)