When it comes to recalling the events and the activists that pioneered the Civil Rights Movement, the most common examples given include protest marches, public sit-ins, school desegregation and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
But there was one that symbolized the heinous injustices and inequities plaguing African-Americans, especially those presiding in the Deep South.
What began as a summer vacation became a tragic event of epic proportions in late August of 1955, when the 14-year-old went to a store with some cousins and, being unaware of the pervasive prejudice that was characteristic of the South, dared to flirt playfully with a 21-year-old white woman, Carolyn Bryant.
Instead of offering a lecture on manners or allowing Emmett’s great-uncle, Mose Wright, to discipline the teen, Carolyn’s husband Roy (along with two other men) went to Wright’s home days later, kidnapped Till by gunpoint and ‘made an example’ out him with an eye gouge, a bludgeoning and a fatal gunshout wound to the head.
Days later, his body was found in the Tallahatchie River and returned to his mother in Chicago. After seeing the swollen and distorted remains, Mamie Till Bradley bravely declared that she “wanted the world to see” what cruelties had been inflicted upon her only child and allowed an open casket funeral, which was attended by thousands as the heart-stopping photo of his corpse stunned the world.
The racially-motivated bigotry that led to Emmett’s kidnapping and murder, as well as the acquittal of his assailants by an all-white jury, sparked a firestorm of outrage that was an early catalyst for the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
Although the incident occurred over 50 years ago, the mere mention of Emmett Till recalls the loss of an innocent life and the miscarriage of justice that haunts the nation to this day. This is why Lil Wayne’s decision to name-drop the deceased for shock value earned the popular rapper some well-deserved backlash and public condemnation from relatives of Mr. Till.
Since this is family newspaper, I can’t repeat the rhyme that Lil Wayne added to the infamous “Karate Chop” remix word for word. But what can be said is that the lyrics savagely compare Emmett’s battered body to a sex organ and trivializes the victim’s suffering in the process.
No one except Future, the rapper who originated the song, is defending this outrageous offense. Even Stevie Wonder, the iconic lifelong champion of Civil Rights, immediately expressed disdain. “Sometimes people have to put themselves in the place of people who they are talking about,” Wonder said. “Imagine if that happened to your mother, brother, daughter or your son. How would you feel? Have some discernment before we say certain things.”
As of the writing of this column, Lil Wayne’s remained mum about the tacky verse. And Epic Records, weeks into the fervor, finally issed a public apology and vowed to stop their distribution of the song.
But the damage is already done. Not only has this 30-year-old transgressed all boundaries of human decency and common sense, he’s cheapened the supreme sacrifices that Civil Rights activists have made in society that allowed him the wealth and mainstream success he exploits.
What I hope Lil Wayne learns from this controversy is that Black History Month may end soon, but the obscene inferences will malign them both in perpetuity.
And when a contemptible crime of the past is marginalized in the present, it doesn’t bode well for anyone’s future.

You can certainly see yo&X75;r еxpertise in &X74;he w&X6f;гk yo&X75;
April 10, 2014 at 6:48 amwrite. The arena hopes for more passionate writers like you &X77;ho a&X72;e nοt аfraid to say how they believe.
Alwa&X79;s follοw your &X68;eart.
Thank you, bring some buddies and spread the word! 🙂
April 5, 2014 at 6:33 pmI remember sometime ago talking to a friend of mine about the influence of music today. She said, “You know,a person would need a high school diploma to fully appreciate Smokey Robinson’s music.” Her meaning was that the music of that day appealed to the intellect of the listener, as oppose to the base makeup of the person.I think this is the issue with Lil Wayne, and much of the society. People have become de-sensitized and so the human content is almost lost. The thinking today grows from sand not soil, and so its very shallow, and any small wind can uproot it.Much of this inhuman spirit does come from the entertainment industry, which has fast proved to be the biggest slave maker. The lack of a serious mind from people like Lil Wayne, and others who show total disrespect for the struggles of our people, as well as those who get caught up in gun violence, etc,can be directly connect to the sexually explicit, and violent lyrics in the music they listen to. When a person is under this kind of influence every minute except for when they sleep every other day, then no other result can be expected. Pres Obama is running around like he doesn’t have a clue to the problem talking about gun magazines, and the caliber of the bullet,and other nonsense, while blood is up to the horses’bridle a block or two from his own house. Ain’t got nothing to do with guns, its the influence that causes people to use guns, and that influence is more wide spread in the AA comm. than anywhere else, but he didn’t address it until it came to suburbia.Another victim of this entertainment is the family, more specifically, the AA family. When all else has failed, this has been the only institution that have held us as a people together. Now he wants to kill that as well. In light of the excitement, and high hopes black folks had in electing an AA president, my own opinion is that he has been the disappointment of the century.Lastly, I know that he’s everybody’s president, but if he found time to address homosexuals,Hollywood,Jews,and all these other groups, I think he ought to be able to at lease find time to come home and meet with common AA, and talk about the values that we as a people have that not only have brought us thus far, but help get him elected as well. After all, he is our president too.
February 24, 2013 at 12:44 pm