….In a recent and illuminating interview with writer Dr. Welsing, Knowshi.com discussed her views of several dysfunctional trends among African-Americans and how non-whites can persevere despite the odds perpetually stacked against them.
KNOWSHI- There are a lot of people who point to the achievements of Blacks in the last 40-odd years, up to and beyond the presidency of Barack Obama, the acceptance of interracial relationships, etc., and say that the issue is now in the past. What are your views on that?
DR. WELSING- “One could say that, ‘Well, there are a lot of white women dating Black men.’ Yes, that’s happening now, but there are still increasing numbers of black men being incarcerated. At the same time that it looks like black men are free to do XYZ, but if you’re looking at the totality of the picture, there are more Black men behind bars than there are dating these white women. The whole system relationship with black men exists to put them out of commission, whether that means unemployment, underemployment, incarceration and killing, which is ‘stand your ground.’
All they have to say is ‘I thought he had a weapon, I was afraid,’ and then that gives them [citizens or police officers] the right to shoot and kill black men. Subconsciously speaking, the ‘weapon’ they’re referring to is his genitals and genetic material. Genetic annihilation can’t take place from black females to white people, or through any kind of female, because females cannot impose, by force, sexual intercourse. Only men can, so it’s the Black man that’s the threat. Of all the non-white people, black people have the greatest genetic potential to cause white genetic annihilation.”
KNOWSHI- So it’s about the fear of becoming extinct?
DR. WELSING- “Exactly. For one thing, the people who classify themselves as white people are getting ready to become a minority, and this is very frightening and disturbing to them, so this is stepping up the attacks. White people are fewer than one-tenth of the people on the planet. They’re getting ready to become a minority here, and the response to that status change under the leadership of a Black president is the massive purchasing of guns. Those guns are for killing Black men.” (click here for the full interview at knowshi.com)