On any given day in any part of the country, there are controversial events taking place that provoke instant headlines and angry outcries.
The drain-circling defense tactics that George Zimmerman’s attorneys attempted for his upcoming murder trial? Check.
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, blaming poor student performance on their mothers being in the workplace? Check. And what about the fascination with Kim Kardashian’s divorce and pregnancy or whether or not Beyonce’s pregnant? Check, check, check.
But the story that seemed to attract the most venom, surprisingly, was a 31 second commercial featuring a black father, white mother, their biracial daughter and a half-empty box of Cheerios.
When the ad debuted on YouTube last week, the portrayal of a kindegarten-age daughter asking Mommy about the health benefits of Cheerios and apparently pouring them over her sleeping Daddy’s heart attracted a wave of reaction. In the comments section, there was enough bigotry and references to forced assimilation, race-mixing and genocide in the comments section to make Hitler proud.
After nearly two thousand stomach-churning posts, Cheerio’s vice president of marketing Camille Gibson, told the “Today Show” that although they stand by their portrayal of “an American family,” the “not family-friendly” remarks prompted General Mills to disable the commenting feature. The video has since registered more than 20,000 “thumbs up” and millions of viewings that support, rather than condemn, the company’s light-hearted and relatable approach to precociousness and diversity.
After hearing about the “Cheerio-Gate” saga, I watched the ad for myself to see which parts were so despicable. After I didn’t find anything, I showed it to the kids, let Calvin look at it and the consensus here at the Jackson residence was that the commerical is, well…cute.
“A lot of families look like that,” my husband said with a shrug of his shoulders. “What’s the problem?”
Some of the other commenters, apparently, see the ad as a harbinger to the apocalypse, dropping convoluted theories about “forced assimilation,” “extinction of the white race” and other extreme opinions.
I guess the ones so upset about the image of two backgrounds and cultures combining under one roof conveniently forgot that the nation was always comprised of multiple nationalities, starting with the Native Americans. There were also indentured servants of European descent, Chinese immigrants who helped to build up the West and yes, Africans, who were forced into slavery. According to these narrow-minded individuals, using other races to create wealth is perfectly reasonable as long as they remain segregated and don’t sully the blood lines of white folks.
I can’t speculate on the origins of those warped perspectives, but when I see that commercial, I’m reminded of the multi-cultural branches of my particular family tree: Christina Bell, the white great-grandmother after whom my mother was named, and another great-grandmother, Vircie Jones, a six-foot tall Apache woman from whom I inherited my long nose and high cheekbones (yet, curiously, none of her height).
Integration of the races happened long before it was sanctioned by the Supreme Court. And whether or not some people like it, the blending of cultures and communities is a way of life. It’s disheartening that in 2013, many still cling to the outdated ideal of nonwhites being good enough to have as a labor force, yet unacceptable to have as loved ones.
But the fact that Cheerios didn’t bow to that ignorance is another step forward in celebrating differences rather than overlooking or camouflaging them as if they don’t—or shouldn’t—-exist.
I hope those who were incensed by an endorsement of everyday life can broaden their perspectives, accept the obvious and yes, even have a bowl of Cheerios while they’re at it.
Because like the fictional Dad in the commercial, they need a dose of health for their hearts.

1 Comment
I thought the commercial was adorable. The only reason I cringed was at the thought of picking up all those loose Cheerios! Perhaps what we’re seeing in the comments is the last gasp of resistance toward a multicultural society. As you so correctly pointed out, there are a ton of different races and ethnicities in probably every family tree, so now it’s only a matter of time for the vast majority of us to celebrate it (or at least accept it). Great post, Lorrie!
June 7, 2013 at 5:58 pm