A packed house, balmy spring breezes and nearly two hours of live music expertise courtesy of our generation’s baddest band made “Good Friday” even better when Mint Condition regaled a packed-out venue as headliners of the Ladies Choice show at … Read the rest
Sometimes, I luck out and catch star on the rise and this time, I caught one before he came a supernova and as Martin Lawrence used to say, ‘blow-up-tuated.’ Here’s my previously-published 2010 chat with Kevin Hart and his surprising … Read the rest
His catalog is enviable, his pipes are golden and for decades, “Uncle Charlie” Wilson has enthralled both the old school and new school set, packing out arenas with grown and sexy live shows and remaining a chart-topping presence on the … Read the rest
I know, I know, I know—-Katt Williams has been a loose cannon as of late. I cannot explain or justify his erratic behavior these days, but I CAN vouch for the time that I saw him perform and the … Read the rest
*Fine enough to melt most women in their tracks, but still kind, as cool as a fan and one of the most accessible actors I’ve ever had the pleasure to interview: LOVE me some Leon, he could be in a … Read the rest