Last fall, the week before Thanksgiving, I was at home preparing for a flight when Nia called: she had been practicing after school for choir and both of us were under the impression that her older brother Darius was picking … Read the rest
A couple of months ago, I was washing my hands in the sink at work and my co-worker Rhonda walked in. It was a Monday and we were discussing what we did with our weekends and the latest on her … Read the rest
Several years ago—-okay, more like a decade and some change—I went out on a dinner date with a guy I’ll call ‘Reggie.’ Back when I was single, the gentlemen who asked me out were given a couple of chances at … Read the rest
Today, as you’re reading this, Christmas is a memory, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah are being observed and we stand at the cusp of a new decade. Amidst the common resolutions improve, some find it helpful to list what positive goals they’ve … Read the rest
“Hey man, how did my life get so damn small? I was gonna do it all, like Sammy Davis Jr: movies, concerts, TV, everything. I ain’t got nothing nobody want.”
Eddie Murphy as Rudy Ray Moore, Dolemite Is My Name… Read the rest