In the 2004 film, White Chicks, the idea was a funny one: two bumbling FBI detectives, played by Shawn and Marlon Wayans, are forced to “babysit” a pair of spoiled heiress sisters, Britney and Tiffany, to foil a larger kidnapping … Read the rest
As a journalist, blogger, and interpreter of current events, I’ve witnessed many incredible moments. The ones that have created a lasting impact, positive or negative, forced me to pause, reassess and do one of two things: double-down on my support … Read the rest
Wow……hmmm. This baby’s got some looooong fingers.”
I was lying down on an examination table in the doctor’s office, watching black and white images on a screen as the ultrasound technician moved the wand back and forth across the cold … Read the rest
“The world is changing. Soon there will only be the conquered and the conquerors. You are a good man, with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to be king.” The Black Panther
It takes more than … Read the rest
Since I returned to working full-time, mornings are best to connect one-on-one with the girls. As they shower, dress, and prepare for school, Nia and Layla fill me in about new assignments, upcoming field trips and the fun things that … Read the rest