August, 1945: a sailor charges into the street, pulls a nurse into his arms and bends her backwards with a forceful kiss. The impulsive “Nurse and Sailor” embrace became an iconic American image. For decades, it personified a renewed and … Read the rest
The wheels of fate were set into motion soon after we became engaged.
When my then-fiance Calvin shared the news with his mother, he passed the receiver to me and my future mother-in-law’s first words were an enthusiastic request. “Congratulations … Read the rest
I don’t know if there’s a catchphrase for today’s generation of kids, but if I could coin one for six-year-olds, it would be ‘The Age of Endless Questions,’ a description that Nia personifies to a T.
No matter where we … Read the rest
When you live in a society that glorifies independence and emphasizes the concept of ‘self,’ it can be hard to recognize the difference between upholding one’s standards and refusing to compromise.
Since the beginning of time, stories of men and … Read the rest
A native of Kenya, Mr. Alex Armagoha (Ar-ma-GO-uh) was the instructor of my Government 2301 class.
With an audience of fifty students a night twice a week, it would’ve been easy for him to recite statistics, discuss the levels of … Read the rest