I remember the very first time that I discovered The Voice.
As an 80s Baby, I was watching one of those pre-BET/MTV music video shows and heard her before I saw her, a supple and sweet soprano that poured into … Read the rest
I remember the very first time that I discovered The Voice.
As an 80s Baby, I was watching one of those pre-BET/MTV music video shows and heard her before I saw her, a supple and sweet soprano that poured into … Read the rest
Once you become a parent, you quickly realize that activities you once considered ‘routine’ feel more like a reality-show-worthy endurance contest when you put a child in the mix. Besides cooking, laundry and other unavoidable chores, the main one capable … Read the rest
A couple of Fridays ago, Layla and I sat in an awards assembly at Nia’s elementary school, cheering her on as she won recognition for Most Improved and Academic Excellence. Our Resident Diva basked in the spotlight while chatting with … Read the rest
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James Baldwin
In the Aesops Fable entitled “The Lion And The Statue,” a man and a lion were having a debate about which … Read the rest
“You will lose if you choose to refuse to put her first/she will and she can find a man who knows her worth.” Alicia Keys, “A Woman’s Worth”
OK, I guess I’m going to need someone to break it down … Read the rest