In the last few years, a disturbing trend has emerged due to the prevalence of social media and the emergence of instant “real time” reactions to news stories and events. It’s a concept that politicians, candidates and other famous folks … Read the rest
With serial monogamy becoming the norm rather than the exception and nearly half of all American marriages ending in divorce, it’s hard to avoid skepticism when anyone other than a proven expert offers advice on what works.
And when you’re … Read the rest
With Mother’s Day’s just around the corner and a year since the murder of Trayvon Martin, it didn’t surprise me to see the joys of motherhood and the perilous state of black children being weighed in the May edition of … Read the rest
A powerful prediction, spoken like fact, seemed to drop out of nowhere during a random conversation my husband and I were having months into our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend: “Lorrie, I was thinking…we would make some pretty babies.”
Did … Read the rest
A few years ago, my nephew DJ and I were at my parents’ house and watching The Long Walk Home, a 1990 film about a black domestic worker (Whoopi Goldberg), her white employer (Sissy Spacek) and how their … Read the rest