Every year, our oldest daughter Nia prepares weeks in advance for the first day of school.
The backpack jammed full of notebooks and school supplies waits by the door, her new outfit is assembled nearby and she’s eager to meet … Read the rest
Every year, our oldest daughter Nia prepares weeks in advance for the first day of school.
The backpack jammed full of notebooks and school supplies waits by the door, her new outfit is assembled nearby and she’s eager to meet … Read the rest
It’s a story arc that has collectively captivated us time and again whether it’s factually-based or fictitious: the rise, fall, scorn and redemption of a public figure.
The particular scandals that knocked them from the lofty perch of public approval … Read the rest
Back in February, I expounded on discovering that my then first-grader, Nia, was being bullied by a transfer student I referred to as “Eric.” After discovering that his misbehavior was escalating instead of improving, I had a phone conference with … Read the rest
I knew that I was wading into instant drama when I wrote and submitted my post-‘verdict’ Trayvon Martin column. I had written of race issues before as a Briefing columnist, and as a Black woman who’s lived in the South … Read the rest
Sunday’s weather was overcast and turbulent, the clouds obscuring any presence of brightness and creating an atmosphere weighted with tension and gloom.
Normally, I enjoy summer storms. But this time, the tempest overhead was a fitting backdrop underscoring the sadness … Read the rest