Hidden Figures, the motion picture about three African-American female mathematicians who worked at NASA and became key factors in the success of our nation’s ‘Space Race’ in the 1960s, was an exceptional film that chronicled a trio of unsung heroines. … Read the rest
Whether you’re single, coupled-up, or walked down the aisle years ago, nearly everyone has heard persistent myths about marriage: “Happy couples never argue.” “Love is all we need.” “I can change him/her.” Then there’s one that has been disproved time … Read the rest
Roses, chocolate hearts, teddy bears and cards full of sweet sentiments about love and tenderness. Next Tuesday is Valentine’s Day, and every retail outlet since January has been awash in reminders at every turn.
Darius is a young man now, … Read the rest
“No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.” Alice Walker
All respect due to A Tribe Called Quest, I actually heard “We The People” bumping in my head as I read this woman’s … Read the rest
On Jan. 20, the United States witnessed the inauguration of its 45th President. Many greeted the new administration with joy and celebration, but for others, Saturday held the moment they truly looked forward to. Not because of the back-to-back parties, … Read the rest