I’ve got a quick question for all the ‘70s babies’ and ‘90s ladies’ out there——what did TV shows like The Golden Girls, Sex in the City, Girlfriends and Living Single all have in common? Answer: besides featuring predominantly-female casts, each … Read the rest
In the 1985 fiction novel, Linden Hills, the late author Gloria Naylor depicted the rise, and demise, of an opulent, upper class neighborhood. For decades, the historical roots, prestigious citizens and luxurious homes were the envy of many…..until the … Read the rest
The other day, Layla was home with a tummy bug. Luckily it was nothing serious, and the regular regimen of liquids, crackers, chicken noodle and Culturelle did the trick.
While Netflix was usually enough to keep her occupied, the programming … Read the rest
Thanks to the responsibilities in my household, the deadlines and the myriad of tasks to accomplish in a twenty-four-time frame, there isn’t a lot of spare time for TV. I can only relate to and follow a few at a … Read the rest
When it comes to soul music, categorizing the ‘greats’ at any level has to include the contributions of Donny Hathaway.
Thanks to an intuitive knack for musical arrangements, songwriting and his buttery, gospel-flecked vocals, the Chicago-raised Hathaway was an in-demand … Read the rest